SOS-Alert Solution - “Cross-border cooperation project for enhanced detection and interception of CBRN materials on the Slovakian-Ukrainian border”
The basic idea underlying the creation and subsequent implementation of the project is the establishment of effective international cooperation and coordination of activities of European countries on the EU's external borders. This idea is based on the report ... 2009, which calls on the EU Member States to create a system of risk management and early warning of CBRN threats in the context of pan-European cooperation.
The project will enhance the implementation of international guidelines and recommendations relating to the protection of the Slovakian-Ukrainian border. In general it can be stated that effective and efficient protection of the state border is only possible when achieving sufficient preparedness of countries, whether in personal capacities, expertise or overall organisation of protection. Complex solutions, especially to achieve better CBRN safety at the Slovakian-Ukrainian border and in the border regions are proposed in this project through creating a stable partnership of the entities concerned.
The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), as a core partner of the project, has extensive experience in cross-border cooperation regarding hazardous materials. Thanks to this experience NRPA provides comprehensive support to the building of cross-border cooperation between the Slovak Republic and Ukraine, especially by sharing best practices and experiences. In order to obtain the most extensive range of information relating to cross-border cooperation and CBRN safety, the project will involve establishing cooperation with specialised state (governmental) institutions of Iceland (particularly in the field of crisis management), and of France that has developed a high-quality and practically proven system of security, especially at events with radioactive and nuclear materials. This system is based mainly on technically and personally specialised security forces and their effective cooperation with other competent bodies in the elimination of CBRN threats.
Through the project “SOS-Alert Solution – Cross-border cooperation project for enhanced detection and interception of CBRN materials on the Slovakian-Ukrainian border”, the partners seek to optimise the security situation in CBRN threats on the Slovakian-Ukrainian border and in the border regions, enhance common fight against the so-called "East – West criminal route", which runs from Ukraine through Slovakia to other countries in Western Europe, thus strengthening security measures at the entry to the Schengen area.
The total project budget is € 1,143,350, of which 85% is allocated by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and 15% is cash co-financing from the state budget of the Slovak Republic.